A speculative art installation made during the 2018.2 Gray Area Incubator combining screenless AR & gestural interface design.
Dynamicland Experiments
A collection of interfaces, toys, & educational materials made at the Dynamicland research lab/community space.
AR Brushes
A collection of web-based AR brush experiments.
A gaze-only, communal VR art installation created for JSConf EU 2018.
Recreating "A Horse In Motion" in XR
Recreated this early movie zoetrope-style in multiple emerging technologies.
Samsung WebVR Grand Prize
In October 2017 I won the Samsung Internet Grand Prize for my WebVR project "CAFF" (Cwervo's A-Frame Funland), a collection of short webVR experiments.
Fishbowl 360° VR Drawings
A playlist of videos made using a fishbowl over a 360° camera where I draw to create a hand-drawn VR experience.
Github Pixel Editor
~60 lines of Javascript turn the SVG squares of the commit calendar into a primitive pixel editor. Made available as a bookmarklet.
The Ambassadors Optical Illusion in VR
Animating perspective to reveal the anamorphic projection of a skull in "The Ambassadors" (1533, Hans Holbein) in web VR.
#ARctober 2017
In the tradition of October based daily challenges like Inktober or Hacktoberfest I started doing daily web AR experiments.
Volumetric Loading Animations
Exploring 3D loading animations using just custom HTML.
Imagine Trees Like These
My undergraduate Creative Writing capstone project, an experimental VR narrative.