Reflections on JSConf Hawai'i 2019

December 4, 2019

Pretty pictures

In February of this year I went to JSConf Hawai'i & it was one of the best conferences of my life! This is partly to do with, sure, the view outside my hotel looked like this:

Views of the hotel & the beach at sunset

View outside my hotel

& the beach was just breathtaking (all the photos below were weird, experimental panoramas, but you can still see how the ocean went on forever & the sunset was gooooorgeous!)

A grid of photos of the beach looking like its stretching out

The beach just a block away from my hotel

The speakers were incredible, I made some very close friends, & worked on a talk that solidified my passion for Web XR (more on that later).

Miscellaneous good things

The badges were dope:

Picture of me holding up a badge

Me holding up the badge

Oh, and also, there was this:

Picture of a person holding ice cream but everything is made out of particles and looks like it's exploding

A depth photo I took of Max Goodhart eating ice cream. The pink things in the background are flowers of an indoor tree.

There were these wild albino pigeons (I think that's what they were? If not let me know!):

Three photos of albino pigeons on my hotel balcony

Albino pigeons on the balcony of my hotel room!

My talk at JSConf Hawai'i

The talk I went to Hawai'i to give was "The Immersive Web in 2019":

The talk stressed me out for months because I gave it such a grandiose name but in the end I'm happy with how it came out! People came up to me afterward & said they actually learned some new things & a couple people even said they'd give WebVR a try in their free time! So much has changed in the 10 months since I gave that talk that it's not worth summarizing here, but if you're interested in a high level overview of all the ways to use WebXR in 2019 do give the talk above a watch & feel free to email or DM me if you have questions!

I'll be at JSConf 2020 as an attendee & I'm (surprisingly!) relieved my talk proposal didn't get accepted because I'm excited to experience Hawai'i & JSConf HI without the stress of giving a talk. If you're going next year too let me know!


A grid featuring photos of flamingos in a reflective blue-green pool surrounded by nature and me and Thais Laney eating frozen ice

The after party at the zoo, featuring Thais Laney!

◼️ December 4, 2019 @cwervo

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